“There are few authentic prophetic voices among us, guiding truth-seekers along the right path. Among them is Fr. Gordon MacRae, a mighty voice in the prison tradition of John the Baptist, Maximilian Kolbe, Alfred Delp, SJ, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.”

— Deacon David Jones

Fr. Tim Moyle and Fr. Gordon MacRae Fr. Tim Moyle and Fr. Gordon MacRae

A Struggling Parish Built an Advent Bridge to Thailand

Fr. Tim Moyle and the people of St. Anne Parish in Mattawa, Ontario take up an Advent sacrifice to support the refugee mission of Fr. John Hung Le, SVD in Thailand.

Fr. Tim Moyle and the people of St. Anne Parish in Mattawa, Ontario took up an Advent sacrifice to support the refugee mission of Fr. John Hung Le, SVD in Thailand.

(Clockwise from upper left in the photos above: Saint Anne Church in Mattawa Ontario, Father Tim Moyle in Mattawa, Father Gordon MacRae in Concord NH, and Father John Hung Le SVD in Bangkok. All collaborating this season for an Advent of the Heart.)

December 1, 2021

Note from Fr. Gordon MacRae: In twelve years of writing behind these prison walls, this is our first co-authored post. Fr. Tim Moyle joins me here this week from the Diocese of Pembroke in Ontario, Canada with an Advent mission of sacrifice and hope.

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First Up, Fr. G: As 2021 began, I wrote “A Year in the Grip of Earthly Powers,” a sort of review of 2020 from which we were all recovering and still are. In 2021, I thought our culture wars and politics could not get worse, but the long, slow descent of our culture seemed to have a will of its own. As Advent approached this year, I hoped for a more positive message to help us focus on the Birth of the Messiah instead of the demise of an opposing party.

Then, from out of the blue, came a message from Fr. Tim Moyle. Father Tim and I have never actually met, but we have a long acquaintance through our mutual, much-missed friend, the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, founder and former editor of First Things magazine. Fr. Richard was a prominent Lutheran pastor and writer when he crossed the Tiber to the Catholic faith. After the death of Fr. Neuhaus, Fr. Tim Moyle wrote in First Things of their first meeting at table with Father Tim’s bishop in “Canadian Summers” (April 2009). Here’s an excerpt:

“It soon became evident that Fr. Richard had not left his self-confidence back in New York. Bishop Windell offered, in compliment, his opinion that Richard’s entry into full communion and ministry within the Roman Church could well be the most significant conversion since John Henry Newman. Richard drew heavily on his ever-present cigar, then agreed that some people might be justified in holding such an opinion.

“I almost gagged. ‘How American,’ I thought to myself. His smug self-assurance rankled my Canadian sense of propriety. Then with a glint in his eye, a tilt of his head, he let out his breath with a hearty self-mocking laugh and a warm slap on my shoulder. I decided then that I wanted to get to know this American brother priest, as he was clearly a more complicated character than I had thought.

“As fate would have it, I did not have to wait long, for we discovered the next summer that we each inhabited the same island as cottage owners in the Ottawa Valley, a discovery that led to many evenings spent on each other’s front deck and Richard’s 19th Street home in New York. There I met luminaries such as Avery Cardinal Dulles, leaders in the fight for the cause of life.”

That was written in early 2009 just after the deaths of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus and Cardinal Avery Dulles. I both laughed and cried when I read Father Tim’s tribute back then. Not long after in 2009, Father Tim wrote to me. In one or two of those deck conversations, my name had come up. Father Tim wanted me to know that my loss of the support of both Father Richard and Cardinal Dulles was only an illusion. Three months later, in July 2009, These Stone Walls began.


An Advent of the Heart in Mattawa

From Father Tim: One of the greatest gifts I received at the start of my priesthood was the opportunity to meet a brother priest from the Archdiocese of New York who vacationed each summer in a parish where I was stationed. Fr. Richard John Neuhaus became my mentor, confidante and close friend. He was also joined by Avery Cardinal Dulles in encouraging Fr. Gordon MacRae to take up the challenge of using unjust imprisonment as an opportunity to do God’s work.

Suffice it to say that if I have been even partly as successful as Father Richard and Father Gordon in ministering God’s mercy and love, I will stand proudly before Christ as my Lord and Savior come that day when I will have to give Him an accounting for the successes and failures of my own priestly ministry.

I now serve St. Anne Catholic Church in Mattawa, Ontario, a rural parish in the Diocese of Pembroke in one of the most idyllic and yet impoverished corners of Canada. Both the Diocese and the town of Mattawa stand astride the Ottawa River serving the Catholic communities on both the Quebec and Ontario sides of the valley.

In generations past, the Ottawa valley was one of the more prosperous areas of Central Canada due to the harvesting of timber from massive first-growth forests that covered the entire region. Alas, generations of unsustainable forestry practices ultimately resulted in that economic engine dying along with the disappearance of most of the wealth, jobs and prospects for those who remained.

Nonetheless, I have come to learn that one of the most important things that I can do as a pastor is to engender an understanding of our parish’s role as a small part of a global enterprise of faith, an understanding which illuminates the necessary vision that, while we may be poor by the standards of other Canadian communities, we are quite rich when compared to faith communities in some other parts of the world.

I strive to connect any parish I serve to a Third-World ministry. Before we call on the generosity of God and neighbors to support our repair projects, we demonstrate our willingness to be generous with others whose needs are far greater than our own. My previous parishes were thus connected with parishes and Catholic missions in Peru, India, and Costa Rica. We made a difference there before launching our building and repair projects.

People often ask me how it is that I find and choose these foreign priests and projects to help support. The only answer I can give is that it is entirely through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Through chance encounters, I become aware, online or through a third party, of a Catholic/Christian initiative in dire need. It takes only a bit of time and research to ascertain the authenticity of the ministry and need before presenting it to the people I serve.


More from Father Tim: The Catholic Community at St. Anne’s Parish met this newest Advent project with heartfelt enthusiasm. We have decided to adopt the apostolate of Fr. John Hung Le, SVD, a priest of the Missionary Society of the Divine Word. Fr. John is assigned by his Order to assist Vietnamese refugees in Thailand.

Fr. John’s name should ring a bell for any regular reader of the writings of Fr. Gordon MacRae at Beyond These Stone Walls. It was Fr. John who first took in and sponsored Pornchai Moontri when he was deported to Thailand after a long ordeal in prison and ICE detention. It was from Fr. Gordon’s posts about the generosity and kindness to Pornchai during a most difficult adjustment that I was inspired to explore further this good priest’s ministry among Third World refugees, some of the poorest souls on the planet.

The people of St. Anne’s parish immediately recognized the goodness and necessity of this outreach that they have adopted. Various groups within the parish began to organize their own projects. The local French Catholic Secondary School also decided to adopt Father John and his ministry and have begun a bottle drive to raise funds. Other parishioners organized a series of small raffles and auctions of items purchased or donated by local merchants.

The parish council decided to also take up a special collection during each weekend of Advent for this important project. The very fact that all these initiatives sprang up spontaneously among not only our parish but also the good people of Mattawa is evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit to move hearts.

This project is galvanizing not only our parish community, but some of the wider community as well. These local acts of generosity are arising despite our own need would not have sprung into existence if not for the incredible ministry of Divine Mercy written about and exercised by Fr. Gordon MacRae behind those prison walls. His inspiring posts about Pornchai Moontri’s life and conversion have inspired us all. This has been a work of the Holy Spirit if ever I encountered one.


The Vietnamese Refugees of Thailand

From Father G again: In recent messages, Fr. John Hung Le, SVD has told us of how he has been very touched by the kind hearts, prayers and generous spirits of Fr. Tim Moyle and the people of St. Anne Parish in Mattawa in support of his ministry with the Vietnamese refugees. Father John knows well the plight of a refugee in a foreign land.

After the 1975 fall of Saigon, conditions for many South Vietnamese became dire. A young Vietnamese teen — the young man who would later become Fr. John Hung Le — was among those forced to flee. Tens of thousands a month took to the open sea in decrepit, overcrowded boats, seeking refuge in other Asian countries while hoping for resettlement in the West. On the world stage, the Communist regime was accused of trafficking in the lives of these desperate people, at times extorting hundreds or even thousands of dollars for allowing them to escape oppression and death.

With refugee camps throughout Southeast Asia filled to overflowing, several countries announced they would close their shores to the “boat people.” Some nations forced thousands back out to sea. This tragic situation brought forth calls for an international effort to alleviate the humanitarian crisis. A United Nations conference on the plight of refugees was held in Geneva in July, 1979.

Most of those entering Thailand from Vietnam today are migrant workers, however their lives and livelihood are once again threatened over the last two years by the global pandemic from which we have all felt pain. After his arrival in Thailand early in 2021, Pornchai told me that Fr. John needed to address a dental problem but he did not have the funds. I begged and borrowed a few hundred dollars to send him, but Pornchai later told me that Fr. John used it instead to buy rice for some families in far more desperate need. His Refugee Assistance Foundation struggles to support the basic needs of hundreds if not thousands of refugee migrant worker families put out of work in this pandemic.

I don’t think I have ever felt more pride and concern for a brother priest who sacrifices so much for others. From that point on, I have tried to set aside a third of any gift I receive to help support Fr. John who buys and delivers food and medical supplies. I send another third to Pornchai who lives under the daunting task of rebuilding his life after 36 years as a refugee of another sort. Here is a recent message to Father Tim and me received from Father John:

“I escaped Vietnam in 1979 and made it to a refugee camp in the Philippines where I spent three years. Thank God that I got through this journey. Today, I understand the life of the refugees here in Thailand, now made so much more complicated by the global pandemic. After my priestly ordination in 2004, I was sent to Papua New Guinea where I ministered to St. Anne parish in Dirma, Kundiawa Diocese for ten years. In 2014, I was sent to Thailand and was assigned to help Vietnamese refugees in Bangkok.

“I do not have a parish. I and another Society of the Divine Word priest rent a house [where Pornchai stayed for several months upon his arrival in Thailand]. I travel weekly to several villages and provinces where I borrow a church for Mass for the Vietnamese. Most are migrant workers who, for the last almost two years, have had little or no income due to pandemic lockdowns. I have recruited a few volunteers who help me beg, buy, collect, and deliver dried foods for migrant families to survive this long storm. When funds are available, we also provide needed medical supplies and small amounts of money for medical care. Thanks to Fr. Gordon and some of his friends who have sent funds, many struggling migrant families have been helped.”


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Note from Fr. Gordon MacRae: I am humbled and inspired in the presence of Fr. Tim Moyle and Fr. John Hung Le. Father Tim was born in a small Northern Ontario mining community where he obtained his first university degree as a licensed clinical social worker. After working for several years in the fields of child welfare and children’s mental health, he took a leave to explore the insane idea that God may be calling him to priesthood. Though raised in a Catholic family, he had long since left his Catholic faith behind.

To his great surprise during and after seminary training, he discovered for the first time in his life a sense of being whole and complete. He put aside plans for a career in politics to live the priesthood of Jesus Christ and bring the Gospel to others.

Father Tim Moyle blogs at Where the Rubber Hits the Road.

The website for Father John’s Refugee Assistance Foundation has a Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/tuongtrotinan

Please consult our “Special Events” page for information on how to help me support the work of Father John Hung Le, SVD and our other work of mercy: helping Pornchai Moontri reclaim his life.

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“O Come, O Come Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel,

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice, Rejoice, O Israel,

To thee shall come Emmanuel.”

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Father Benedict Groeschel at EWTN: Time for a Moment of Truth

In the media crucible reserved for high profile priests, Father Benedict Groeschel was next in line to be smeared. There’s more to this story, and here it is.

In the media crucible reserved for high profile priests, Father Benedict Groeschel was next in line to be smeared. There’s more to this story, and here it is.

I have known Father Benedict Groeschel since 1975. I began religious life as a Capuchin in the New York Province when Father Groeschel served on the Provincial and formation staffs. He was a mentor and a friend when I was a young man of 22 trying to discern competing calls to the priesthood and religious life. Having completed a novitiate year, I was a young friar bound by simple profession, but left the Capuchins after four years to commence theological studies in preparation for diocesan priesthood in 1978. Over the ensuing years and decades, Father Benedict Groeschel and I remained in occasional contact.

Later, Father Groeschel and seven others broke ranks from the Capuchin order to found the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, a movement that reflected his deeply felt longing to live a life that was outwardly faithful to the spirit of poverty and charism of Saint Francis of Assisi. In the decades to follow, Father Groeschel has gifted the Church with a valiant priestly life marked by sacrifice, fidelity and true Gospel witness. His legacy to the Church as a priest, a friar, an author and lecturer, a psychologist and revered spiritual adviser, is a monument to all that is good and holy in our Church.

Now he has resigned under a cloud from his participation as a host at EWTN. Perhaps it is simply time that he did. Perhaps, at nearly age 80 and having survived a crippling and devastating accident several years ago, age and infirmity have caught up with this good priest. We should not refute his decision to step down, but we who are loyal to any semblance of truth and witness to the Gospel must not allow to stand the cloud of doubt under which he now removes himself from EWTN’s  important television ministry. To paraphrase Sheriff Buford Pusser in my post, “Walking Tall: The Justice Behind the Eighth Commandment,” if we let America’s self-serving, self-righteous, and spiritually bankrupt news media have the last word on Father Benedict Groeschel, “then we give ’em the eternal right to do the same damn thing to anyone of us!”

I don’t need to reframe and speculate upon the single, out-of-context phrase of Father Groeschel’s that has so roiled the news media and its pundits against him. In my view, his inability to predict the uproar his comment brought about may be evidence enough that his judgment has been compromised by age and infirmity. This entire story should have ended with little more said than that.

There is an irony to all this, however. The truth is that Father Groeschel has long been known among treatment professionals to take a hard line in regard to credible accusations against Catholic priests. He has long been known to advocate for the removal from all public ministry when priests are credibly accused. He has not advocated for forced laicization, a process that simply discards an accused priest, but he has for decades taken a position that no priest known by the Church to have been an abuser can EVER minister in a parish again. The truth is that if Father Benedict Groeschel had been heeded more closely over the decades of the 1980s and 1990s, the scandal of 2002 might have looked very different.

Father Groeschel strongly advocated for strict supervision and strictly enforced internal administrative assignments in all cases in which abuse by a priest was determined to be true. His public and private positions have always been the same, and were the polar opposite of what some in the news media now attribute to him.

A few years after the tidal wave of scandal swept over the Church and priesthood, Father Groeschel wrote to me in prison. It was shortly after I wrote an article for Catalyst entitled “Sex Abuse and Signs of Fraud” (November, 2005). It was the same article for which Avery Cardinal Dulles asked me to consider writing more frequently as documented in our “About” page. This is a paragraph from Father Groeschel’s 2005 letter:

“For the good of the Church and the priesthood, Father Gordon, I join the voices of others who urge you to stand always by the truth and to proclaim it boldly. Truth is always what will be in the best interest of the Church and priesthood. At the same time, I also want to caution you that not every case involving a priest is like the case against you. Some priests have used their office to commit grave offenses. Some have harmed vulnerable people and have harmed the priesthood and the Church. At the same time, like you, I also stand by efforts to assure a full hearing and due process for all priests who have been accused. False accusations must be immensely painful. I pray for you as you continue to pursue your innocence and expose the whole truth. The Church must face with courage both realities: the falsely accused and the plight of truthful victims of sexual abuse.”

Later in his life, Father Groeschel had the personal courage and integrity to voice concern for a growing proliferation of false claims against many priests, and he stood by them in their hope for justice. He stood by me. He stood by what I had written, and he encouraged me to write. Never for a single moment did he compromise his deeply felt concern for justice for victims of abuse.

The sun must not go down on Father Benedict Groeschel’s good name and stellar priestly life under a cloud inflated by a news media lying in wait for any high profile priest it can smear.  Not this time! Not this priest! I call upon EWTN and all Catholics of faith and conscience to set aside this latest 15 minutes of scandal and honor Father Benedict Groeschel for the courageous life of faithful priestly witness with which he has served the Church selflessly for over a half century. The sun must not go down on this media slur against Father Benedict Groeschel.


To its great credit, and no doubt by public acclaim, EWTN restored Father Benedict Groeschel’s Sunday night meditations to its broadcast schedule.

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Note from Fr Gordon MacRae: Thank you for reading and sharing this post in support of Father Groeschel and Truth. You may also like these related posts:

When Priests Are Falsely Accused: The Mirror of Justice Cracked

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