A Tool Fund for Pornchai Moontri, Master Craftsman
During 29 years in prison, Pornchai Moontri earned a designation of Woodworking Master Craftsman. Now in the land of his birth he still has the skill, but no tools.
From the Editor: Readers from around the world who come to this blog have been deeply moved by Fr. Gordon MacRae’s articles about the life of a friend and Prodigal Son, Pornchai Moontri. For those unfamiliar with his story, see these two articles:
Human Trafficking: Thailand to America and a Cold Case in Guam
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As the above two articles make clear, Pornchai Moontri is now in Thailand where he has been picking up the pieces of a shattered life and building something from the wreckage. The group, Divine Mercy Thailand and Fr. John Hung Le from the Missionary Society of the Divine Word have provided spiritual and moral support and guidance for Pornchai. He is now engaged in the task of re-assimilating into a country, language, and culture only vaguely familiar .
Now in a more stable housing situation in the city of Pak Chong, Pornchai is exploring opportunities to employ his remarkable skill at fine woodworking. When in prison with Fr. MacRae he had access to a fully equipped woodworking shop where his skill was honed and where he created some impressive items.
But now his talent sits idly by so we have decided to begin a tool fund for Pornchai so that he may one day establish a small woodworking and carpentry shop in Thailand to continue this God-given trade in the spirit of Saint Joseph.
We have helped Pornchai purchase some small tools for woodcraft one at a time when funds permit, but he will also need some more sophisticated tools such as a lathe, band saw, router, planers, a small drill press, carving tools and other necessities of his trade. To view some samples of Pornchai’s work see the photos below.
Contributions to the Tool Fund will be a Corporal Work of Mercy for which we pray you will receive much grace and many blessings.
Please send your gift to:
Fr. Gordon MacRae
P.O. Box 81
Fayetteville, NY 13066-0081
Please indicate your intent (eg. “ToolFund” on the memo line).
If you have a PayPal account or a Zelle account, you can also send a gift of support using the address
If you wish to send a gift to help support Pornchai Moontri, please just indicate your intention in your message and we will forward these funds to him in Thailand. Please always include your email address so Father Gordon can thank you personally.
If you do not want to use PayPal or Zelle for any reason, please email us at
and we will be able to provide information on direct deposit from bank to bank.
If you wish to send a gift of support to Fr. Gordon MacRae, or to support the Vietnamese Refugee Project of Fr. John Le, SVD please do so in the same manner as above. Just mention in your memo or cover note what you intend for your gift. Thank you.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you.
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Pornchai reads at a concelebrated Mass in the Chapel of the Society of the Divine Word Mission in Bangkok.